Environmental Friendly Awareness for Children Through Teaching
Environmental Friendly Awareness for Children Through Teaching

The One Lesson I Learned from My Parents

I often think about how I got together with my parents in the first place? After hearing a story about the Zygote Fairy, I asked my parents if I was adopted. My mother’s answer was a shocked NO!

The Zygote fairy story goes like this:

Zygote Fairy fly’s over your hometown at night, and has little zygotes in her basket and the zygotes are so happy they are hopping and jumping with excitement. Then the Zygote fairy hit an updraft and oopsy out you fell of the basket over the wrong house.You fell head over heels, head over heels right into a family that was not meant for you. Your real family was three miles farther on.

This explains many things to you like why you like to seek freedom above all things. A walk in a forest, a great psychological probe of your inner mind is a delicious treat. But your parents like a regular schedule and see the comics in the Sunday Morning newspaper as the great adventure.

Remembering that  my mom said NO! You were not adopted and added the final hammer blow.  I have a letter from your aunt Vessie saying when you were born. In our family what ever Aunt Vessie said were law and no rebuttal aloud.

So here I am left with the question still answered, “What was the one lesson I learned from my parents”

I thought it might be easier to ask my husband this question and he intensely answered, “So I could be different than them”! I think he must have been in the same Zygote fairy basket as me.

So I am left with the undisputed proclamation of Aunt Vessie I was not adopted and therefore have to answer the question, the one lesson I learned from my parents.

I decided to take a different approach. I will work backwards by asking myself the following  questions.


3 questions you can ask yourself to find out the one lesson you learned from your parents

 1. What is your greatest gift?

  • Start backwards from your greatest gift
  • Think upside down and bring forth the bigger picture
  • Your greatest gift came from somewhere name it nowWhat is my best asset?

2.  What is your best asset.

  • What did you love doing as a child?
  • What did others say about you as a child?
  • What did your teachers say about you?
  • What did your classmates write in your yearbook?

3. Where do You wobble the most?

  • What bugs you the most?
  • What do you feel bad about?
  • What do you procrastinate about?

As a result, I dropped the Zygote Fairy excuse and came up with an awesome lesson my parents taught me.

 “a open mind and a great creative imagination.

Thank you Mom and Dad I am really glad that I am not adopted!